Saturday, May 16, 2020

Left Behind Effects - 1578 Words

Changes on School Forever: Impact of No Child Left Behind The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 was â€Å"a United States Act of Congress that reauthorized the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. This act was created to close the achievement gap with accountability, flexibility, and choice, so that no child is left behind.† NCLB â€Å"is a federal law that mandates a number of programs aimed at improving U.S. education in elementary, middle, and high schools by increasing accountability standards† (White). This act was an act that mostly provided for disadvantaged students. The NCLB Act joins the standards and procedures proposed by President Bush. These incorporate expanded responsibility for states,†¦show more content†¦Schools were also able to receive grants that would go toward more money in the classrooms at schools. Students were also able to transfer schools if their parents believe their school is dangerous. Anytime a student is seen to be extremely falling under grade level requirements, they were allowed to transfer schools. For example, if a student wasn’t meeting the â€Å"adequate yearly progress† for two consecutive school years, they would have the opportunity to change schools. Also, free transportation would be given to the student wherever the school is in their district. Schools aren’t allowed to deny transfer students due to â€Å"lack of room†. Students were also allowed to be offered tutoring, remediate classes, after school classes, and summer school programs once schools start failing to meet annual goals. This act made schools not be able to continue what they were doing if it wasn’t working. Each year, schools had requirements they had to go through. Each year of failing to meet annual goals, schools had to try new ideas such as new curriculum as well as school restructuring. The NCLB act has also affected teachers in bad ways. Many teachers have stated that they aren’t able to teach like they want to because everyone is worried about standardized testing. Steve Eklund, a retired California teacher said, â€Å"Four words drove me into retirement, No Child Left Behind. I could no longer attend to the needs and wants of my students. All I was supposed to do was to get themShow MoreRelatedThe Harmful Effects of No Child Left Behind1420 Words   |  6 PagesThe Harmful Effects of NCLB The No Child Left Behind act is the Bush administrations sweeping educational reform, aimed at improving the performance of the nations public schools by introducing accountability. Supporters of the act claim that it will increase the performance of all school children by raising the standards and allowing parents greater freedom in choosing the school they want their child to attend. The act also puts in place a system of punishment for schools if their studentRead MoreNo Child Left Behind Act as an Effect on Students with Disabilities759 Words   |  3 PagesSince the passage of the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) in 2001, there has been debate and discussion about how the law will impact students with disabilities. There has been confusion and misinformation about NCLB requirements for children with disabilities. Myths have developed. The National Association of Protection Advocacy (NAPAS) has attempted to dispel these â€Å"myths† and misperceptions and to establish the â€Å"realities† (Smith, 2004). Inclusion consists of placing disabled or â€Å"learning-impaired†Read MoreConsequences And Effects Of The No Child Left Behind Act1235 Words   |  5 Pages2002, the No Child Left Behind act, was made into a law by President Bush. The Act required states to develop assessments in basic skills, and to turn these assessments over to the government to receive funding for their school. This law implemented standardized test that all students needed to take. Many teachers felt that their teaching ability was being based off these test scores. Teachers should not be evaluated on their students performance on exams. The No Child Left Behind act emerged as aRead More No Child Left Behind Act Essay examples695 Words   |  3 PagesNo Child Left Behind Act The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, President George W. Bushs education reform bill, was signed into law on Jan. 8, 2002. The No Child Left Behind Act says that states will develop and apply challenging academic standards in reading and math. It will also set annual progress objectives to make sure that all groups of students reach proficiency within 12 years. And the act also says that children will be tested annually in grades 3 through 8, in reading and math toRead MoreHas the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 Been Successful?959 Words   |  4 PagesIn every school in the United States has students that fall behind in classes or don’t get proper education for them to be taught effectively. The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 was created to push students of all grade levels to keep up in their classes, homework and grades so they could become an idol citizen to society. Even though this act is supposed to keep students on the same page as others, research shows that i sn’t the case; that students Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) test scores areRead MoreEssay On No Child Left Behind1333 Words   |  6 PagesHook: â€Å"I used to love teaching,† said Steve Eklund, a retired California teacher. â€Å"Four words drove me into retirement—No Child Left Behind. I could no longer tend to the needs and wants of my students. All I was supposed to do was to get them ready to take tests.† Intro (with thesis): The surviving NCLB mindset of standardized tests being an accurate measure of a students achievement is a problem because it affects our student’s education and increases performance pressure on teachers. WhatRead MoreStudent Demographics Of Richmond County Schools1273 Words   |  6 Pagesof choosing the â€Å"No Child Left Behind† Act The â€Å"No Child Left Behind† (NCLB) Act is an important topic in education to me, because I was a student when the act went into effect and I’m currently an Educator as the act comes to an end. I am able to look at the effectiveness of the act as a student and as the Educator. The NCLB act went into effect during my generation and now I teach under the act to the current generation of students; therefore, it has a personal effect on me in my career and previousRead MoreEssay about No Child Left Behind May Leave Some Behind965 Words   |  4 Pagesresult of the No Child Left Behind Act. Continuous talk about the No Child Left Behind Act can be heard in the hallways of schools nationwide, but why does it matter? The No Child Left Behind Act plays a major role in our students’ education. The students affected by this act is America’s future. Without school making a positive impact on these students, it will be less likely that they will be motivated to make a positive impact on America in the future. The No Child Left Behind Act may be consideredRead MoreThe Debate Over the No Child Left Behind Act Essay1014 Words   |  5 PagesThe current debates surrounding the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 are both positive and negative. Many politicians and people that previously supported the Act are now standing against it. In the beginning m any supported the new Act because everyone was aware that a change needed to happen in the education system and the proposal of No Child Left Behind seemed like the answer we were looking for. As the No Child Left Behind requirements began to be felt in the school systems across AmericaRead MoreA Nation at Risk and No Child Left Behind: Deja Vu for Administrators950 Words   |  4 PagesBefore the No Child Left Behind act came into effect there was a report done in 1983 called A Nation At Risk. Within in this report is information and statistics about how academic underachievement had reached national and international scales. In response to this report the National Commission on Excellence in Education came up with 38 recommendations for the schools. The recommendations were divided into five categories: content, Standards and Expectations, Time, Teaching, Leadership and Fiscal

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