Sunday, December 29, 2019

A Worn Path, The Bean Trees, Little Women, How It Feels...

Courageous and Heroic Women in A Worn Path, The Bean Trees, Little Women, How It Feels To Be Colored Me, and the The Piano Women have been heroic and courageous throughout history, though not all of these heroic (or courageous) adventures have been shown in any way. Some of women’s heroic and courageous adventures are portrayed through short stories, books, and movies. Eudora Welty’s short story â€Å"A Worn Path,† Barbara Kingsolver’s book The Bean Trees, Louisa May Alcott’s book Little Women, Zora Neale Hurston’s story â€Å"How It Feels To Be Colored Me,† and the movie â€Å"The Piano† all show women going through their own amazing and heroic adventures. In these stories, the authors and director share with the reader (and watcher) the†¦show more content†¦After she takes a nap in a ditch a hunter comes by and helps her but ends up threatening her with his gun. Danger can come from anywhere, as the hunter shows in this instance, but Phoenix does a good job of taking care of the dangers and not getting hurt herself. In The Bean Trees the character Taylor goes through some of her own courageous adventures. When she was still at home and working at the hospital, she had to deal with a girl named Jolene, someone she knew from her town. Jolene’s husband, who had a bad reputation, had been shot and was now dead. The woman was a little crazy, telling her husband â€Å"don’t daddy†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Kingsolver 7). This circumstance is not an adventure of the body but of the mind. Taylor has to be strong, courageous, and smart to be able to deal with Jolene. This situation was one of the first adventures that Taylor goes through, and it helps her to deal with later adventures because it made her stronger. When Taylor graduated high school, she bought herself a car and â€Å"intended to drive out of Pittman County one day and never look back† (Kingsolver 10). This would take a lot of courage in order to leave the place that she has known all of her life. She doesn’t know what she will find when she gets where she’s going. She does manage to drive out of Pittman County, but she has a lot more chances for courage on the road. While in Oklahoma a lady just gives her a baby to take care of. She has to have theShow MoreRelatedInnovators Dna84615 Words   |  339 Pagesmore innovative and changing the world. One of the most important books to come out this year, and one that will remain pivotal reading for years to come.† Chairman and CEO,; author, Behind the Cloud â€Å" e Innovator’s DNA is the ‘how to’ manual to innovation, and to the fresh thinking that is the root of innovation. It has dozens of simple tricks that any person and any team can use today to discover the new ideas that solve the important problems. Buy it now and read it tonight

Friday, December 20, 2019

How The Amygdalas Emotional Function Can Affect Sufferers...

Review on How the Amygdala’s Emotional Function can Affect Sufferers of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a relevant common mental disorder as it may affect approximately 2-3% of the population at any point (Green, 2003). There are numerous literatures on how a capacious amount of traumatic stress can affect the function of the brain, as the remembrance of a traumatic experience can affect attention and memory in the present which may lead to present day harm (Van der Kolk, 2006). Approximately thirty percent of individuals can develop PTSD following a traumatic event, however, certain events have higher rates (such as rape) (Acierno et al., 1999, cited in Elzinger and Bremner,†¦show more content†¦Johnson et al (2012) claims that the pathology of PTSD, is the natural response of threat reaction is heightened and fails to decrease and thus becomes an issue to an individual’s psychological and physical well-being. This follows on from Van der Kolk (2006) who stated that regions in the brain that accesses the memory of an event also supports intense emotion which affects sensory and motor functions within the Central Nervous System (CNS). This literature suggests that although PTSD is classed as anxiety, it is the memory involvement in which causes the physical stress reaction. Praag (2004) theorised that a sufferer of PTSD cannot easily erase memories of a certain stressful trauma. This follows on from Liberzon et al’s (1999) study that the repetitious memory recall of a traumatic episode is a symptom of PTSD. This dysfunction of Memory involves certain brain regions, including the amygdaloidal complex and hippocampal formation. In Liberzon et al’s study on 11 control subjects and 14 combat veterans diagnosed with PTSD, placing them in stressful situations using a single photon emission computerized tomography (SPECT) machine found activation in the left amygdala on the PTSD sufferers but not with the control subjects. This suggests that the amygdala responds to unpleasant stimuli in individuals suffering with memories of a past traumatic episode. Other brain imaging studies have found a link between encoding

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Esperanza Rising Book Review free essay sample

However, her father does not return and Alfonso, the boss of the field workers, delivers the bad news to Esperanza, her mother, and abuelita that her father has been ambushed and killed by bandits who roam the fields. Many people come to mourn Sixto Ortegas death and give their condolonces for their loss. Esperanza’s two uncles, Tio Luis and Tio Marco come every day to â€Å"sort† through her father’s paperwork. They bring the news to Esperanza’s mother that they have inherited the land and that she can remain on the ranch only if she agrees to marry Tio Luis. Tio Luis, the local bank director, plans to send Esperanza away to boarding school. After their house burns down to the ground, Ramona takes action to protect herself and her daughter from Tio Luis. Ramona tells Tio Luis that she will marry him to stall him from acting up on his threats. We will write a custom essay sample on Esperanza Rising Book Review or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Ramona and Esperanza must leave abuelita behind her ankle when the house burned down. She decides to move to California with Alfonso, Hortensia, and Miguel to find work and a build themselves a better life. Ramona plans to work in the fields helping with the various crops that are grown in California. This offers a better life to Alfonso’s family, but not to Esperanza and her mother. They are leaving a life of prominence, luxury and wealth to live with their former employees in dirt floor cabins. Esperanza has a very hard time dealing with the loss of her father, separation from her grandmother and living in poverty. All the people of the camp know her story and she is ridiculed by some of the girls. She quickly learns to do household chores and to help watch the twins. After her mother becomes ill, Esperanza starts to work so she can pay her mom’s hospital bills and support herself. She works hard and saves her money so that she can bring her abuelita from Mexico to California to join them. Miguel who worked for her family all of his life risks it all to bring her abuelita to California. Esperanza Rising, by Pam Munoz Ryan, tells a story of hope and survival. Through many trials, Esperanza learns about the important things in life. REVIEW: I enjoyed this book very much. It is highly recommended. It is a story of set in the United States during the Great Depression Era and it shows how Esperanza overcame the obstacles of living in a new country despite losing everything. The book is written in English, but several Spanish words are used, which would be good to use in vocabulary development. Pam Munoz Ryan has described this book as being based on her own grandmother’s Esperanza’s life in Mexico and the United States. As a child, her grandmother would talk about her life in the farm camps. These stories inspired the book Esperanza Rising which tells a story of hope and survival. This book has an interesting story line and real-life characters. It brings forth the struggles of Mexican immigrants, racism, difficult and substandard working and living conditions of migrant farm workers in San Joaquin Valley, California and the history of the Great Depression.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

The W free essay sample

Three-a-days in the August cornfields of Culver and the heat waves in my cleats are almost unbearable. I am at my first football camp with a wandering mind and no expectations. The whole team is sleeping in one room, on rusted bunks with mattresses like stone. Being a new player, as a senior, I was confused by my role on the team. Was I a senior leader, or just another new player with an unknown cause? After almost a month of twelve hour days, I earned the senior leadership role. Working hard in the weight room, getting my nose in the playbook and going into overdrive at the end of the longest practices was the price, now I am a football player.Walking into the locker room, the smell of sweat fills the air. After the rigors of putting my pads in place, I am ready have the best practice of the year. We will write a custom essay sample on The W or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page We all take the jog to the field, and the fresh cut grass fills my nostrils. After stretching for the third time today, sweat starts to seep out of my helmet. The whistle blows and now the dreaded tackling stations are in front of us. Technique is everything during these neck snapping drills. I am thinking to myself, â€Å"Head across, stay low, wrap up, and rip his jersey.† There is blood on my jersey, bruises on my arms, and I can barely walk. Today was just another day and all this work, for one letter, â€Å"W†.Game day is finally here again, we are holding our ground at 2-2. Culver Military Academy versus Brebeuf Jesuit. We are the underdogs for the 4th consecutive week according to the local newspaper. The hype is unbelievable and an electrifying feeling is free-flowing through our veins.We are mentally prepared and rapidly sprint out to the rubber track. The fifty-five Eagles are lined up, waiting to run through the tunnel of Cadets, and I can feel my heartbeat under the wings on my helmet. The lights are shining on the Eagles; we are the stars of the night. Tonight must be special; I have four shadows following me around. My laces are tight and I cannot stop attacking my mouth piece. Ten of my brothers are in the huddle and our jerseys are drenched with sweat. Across the line, #78, a bully from cornfield, Indiana was trying to take my pride. They say I am just a Texas boy at a prep school, but someone has made a mistake. While running to the quarterback, my nerves turn numb and I am engage on him. The bruises are mentally anesthetized and blackouts are becoming the norm, but I will not let myself quit. With seven minutes left in the third quarter, they score on a heartbreaking 84 yard screen. They line up for the extra point and our defense is winded and trampled. We will not quit. They miss the kick!! They missed it. Was it our penetration, fate or a gift from God? No one will ever know what it was, except the turning point of the game. After a touchdown off a Moe Weddington interception and a time eating drive, we are winning 14-12.The 4th quarter is now upon us, and the game is a toss up. The second ranked team in the state is losing to some military boys, and it is our duty to stop them. Play after play, battle after battle, we will not cease to persist. Every drive our defense steps on the field, Brebeuf got smothered. The defense in the maroon and white could not give up. They get 12 yards. Not on one play, not on one drive, but the whole 4th quarter.On that humid Friday night, with the band playing and the fans screaming, our defense did not let up. I was not the Chris Hamm my parents, teachers or friends see. I was a vicious warrior, a relentless martyr without pain or consciousness. I was not playing that game; it was another force which is indescribable. Tomorrow was nonexistent and every play was the most important things in my life.Work, persistence and victories are not earned without pain and suffering. The endless hours of film, heating and icing between practices and every other hardship are worth it. Many will never comprehend us as football players, because they do not know the feelings. Winning a football game is second to none and there is no replacement for the feeling. We won many individual battles. Eleven personal battles for fifty team plays is our game plan. We are defensive martyrs, willing to die for one simple letter, the â€Å"W†.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Trade Conflicts between the U.S. and China Essay Example

Trade Conflicts between the U.S. and China Essay The rapid increase in the trade deficit is sharpening Sino-US trade friction. On the one hand, American accused that Chinese used unreasonable exchange rate policy and dumping strategy, which increase unemployment in US, in addition, this result in damage to American economy. So US government pushes strong pressure to Chinese government for appreciation of the RMI. On the other hand, American government takes some protectionist policies, such as raises tariffs, anti-dumping and other policies. As known, trade protectionism will only lead to world trade war which damage to the overall welfare of general public. Actually, trade protection is widespread in many nations. Several experts have explained from a political economic perspective. The overriding presumption of world trade presents varying views on one hand, free trade can increase the international interests with maximum restriction. On the other hand, unilateral liberalizing of trade can enhance a nations benefit with maximum restriction. Therefore, rational understanding of the causes Sino-USA trade conflicts bears important practical significance to prevent trade protectionism. In recent years, America trade deficit with China continued to increase. In 2001, American trade deficit with China reached 83 billion , which soared to 103 billion in 2002, and climbed to 124 billion in 2003. A rapid increase in the trade deficit is sharpening Sino-US trade friction. On the one hand, American accused that Chinese used unreasonable exchange rate policy and dumping strategy, which increase unemployment in US, and result in damage to American economy. So US government pushes strong pressure to Chinese policies against Chinese color TV, furniture and textile, and other products. We will write a custom essay sample on Trade Conflicts between the U.S. and China specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Trade Conflicts between the U.S. and China specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Trade Conflicts between the U.S. and China specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Trade friction was defined as confrontation between various countries, which defend for heir own interests by taking economic, political, military, import restrictions and expanding exports, with the core objective to adopt various means to fight for the world market (Petri Crook, 2007). For example, a country limit the number of importing goods coming the country, will get corresponding retaliatory measures, which formed the trade friction. Some developed countries with advanced environmental protection technology, make a very high environmental standards to protect the domestic goods, forming a green trade friction with other countries. The duty of international economics suggests that, there are two basic reasons for countries in international trade, namely comparative advantage and scale economy. Comparative advantage and scale economy economies constitutes the origin and development of international trade, also contains the undercurrent against international trade. Participating in international economic intercourse, being engaged in international trade, whether it is for comparative advantage or for reasons of scale economy, the trade income can not be equally balanced. And some countries even lose benefits from trade. A typical example of such trade is North- South trade, which causes increasing global wealth gap between the south countries and the north countries. Thus, the existence of non-balance pattern of international trade, results in todays world trade policy environment and trade disputes. With the development of globalization, the economic ties between countries are increasingly close. Economic internationalization and economic development has gradually deepened. Economic globalization makes the world resources get reasonable allocation (Petri. Crook, 2007). This requires a global unified trade rules. However, the political system is not uniform, so it is easy to cause trade friction. In the era of economic globalization, global production and unified world market, it needs a unified global standard competition rules. But in fact, a variety of domestic regulations have serious impacts on the economic development and trade between countries . At the same time, as a result of economic globalization, the competition among countries is gradually strengthening. But at the same time, the international environment is complex and changeable, and unstable and uncertain factors are increasing. The developed countries will take the economic and scientific dominance for a long time, which aggravate the imbalance in world economic development. The rise of trade protectionism has brought new challenges to many countries. In this context, increasing trade friction is the normal state. Because of this, some experts claimed that global economy has entered a so-called trade friction era. In the era of economic globalization today, because all the countries in the world are seeking to maximize their own interests, trade friction will be normal. Economic globalization is triggered another important reason of Sino-US trade friction. Because China is a developing country with imperfect economic and political system, which is different from USA, it is easily leads to trade friction. As long as the two sides follow the principle of equality and mutual benefit, the friction can be completely resolved. However, the Sino-US trade friction has intensified these days. If it can not be solved correctly, it will seriously affect the bilateral trade relationship development and the economic sustainable development. POP-Unified On March 16th, 2007, an American pet food manufacturer announced the recall of a large number of pet foods from the North American market. The U. S. Media said pet food poisoning was from China source. In June, Chinese toys encountered cold wind, USA companies announced three massive recalling of 21 million Chinese toy productions, which involving exceeded standard of paint and lead for coating. In order to balance the trade deficit, the restriction policy, in general, is not helpful to increase the total economy and welfare of USA. It is proved by economic theories that free trade can improve allocation of resources and social welfare. In fact, imported cheap products can curb rising prices. With deepening of trade liberalizing, various countries have cut riffs barriers. But as substantial reduction in tariff levels, at the same time, countries also sought non-tariff barriers to protect domestic industry. Anti-dumping is a kind of important non-tariff barrier. Due to its characteristics of damage and convenient operation, it is allowed by WTFO rules as trade remedy measure. So it is popularly adopted around the world. America as the number one economy in the world has a long history of antiquating to limit foreign imports and to protect their own particular industry. With increasing GATORS trade talks was held successfully, USA and other industrialized countries cut the tariff level down to 4. So America takes anti-dumping as powerful weapon. In recent years, there is growing number of anti- dumping cases. China is USA important trade partner since establishment of diplomatic relation in 1979, bilateral trade volume increased year by year. But at the same time, USA trade deficit with China increased, resulting in bilateral trade friction happened frequently. USA builds high no-tariff barriers on Chinese products, and frequently uses various means to limit imports of Chinese products. Therefore, anti- mumping has become one of the most important means. Bonn and McCullough (2005) pointed out that, ISIS anti-dumping measures has been obvious discriminatory to China. Since 1990, China has become the number one target of America anti- dumping investigation. China is often the only countries being investigated. II. Literature review In the field of international economy, trade friction has a long history, with the early trade disputes including Anglo-Hansen trade war, Franco-Italian trade war and Hawley Smooth trade war. Since sass, with the deepening of economic globalization, the trade protectionism, is sweeping across the world. The trade friction between the countries has shown new trends and characteristics, which are diversified, concealed, and efficient. The trade conflicts between developed countries and developing countries, especially Sino-US trade friction, have become the focus of concern. Various theorists have studied trade conflicts from political and economic approach (Baldwin, 1985 Leverage, 1983 Rowley et al, 1995). At present, many scholars put forward that the trade frictions generated in the political process. Political economy about trade originated in the inability to explain trade intervention logic in real international trade. The classical trade theory or new trade theory can not explain trade intervention policy, which has prompted economists to search trade policy from a new point of view. A formed policy will impact different interest groups, mainly influence their benefits. The traditional economic theory explained that government behaviors are driven by external actors. Political economic theory makes a breakthrough to consider the influence different interests groups. The political economic approach of trade policy can clearly explain forming process and operation mode of the political market. Stiller (1971) pointed out that, interest groups through lobbying and pressing politicians to seek their favorable policies. The politicians who seek political support minimization would likely to give favorable policies to specific interest groups. So, political market, in which a public policy is the commodity, is formed, with interest groups as the buyers, politicians as commodity sellers. Grossman and Hellman (1994) created a description of interaction model describing government and interest groups. The authors assumed that interest groups are consisted of exclusive elements, which provide the government with the lattice capital and in return they seek for tariffs or export subsidies. Different political donations are corresponding to different tariffs or subsidies, which formed the so-called donation price list. Grossman and Hellman believed that protection level is positively related to capability of interest groups, but is negatively correlated with the elasticity of import demand. The above documents indicated that interest groups eventually will have an important impact on trade policy, but the interest groups lobbying and donation activities are directed at the Congress, not for the TIT and TIC members. Baldwin (1985) set up a bridge between interest groups and the government officials. He pointed out that, the important congressional committee can exert very important influence on the process of TIC, because members of Congress can not only directly persuade and press members of TIC, but also can control TIC through budget constraint. When a member of some interest groups, for example, a manufacturer or labor organization, puts forward anti-dumping litigation, he will see help from closely related members. Congressmen put pressure on the TIT and TIC, so that the decision is beneficial to the interest group. Hansen the empirical test (1990) confirmed Baldwin hypothesis (1985), she pointed out that members of Congress can to control the administrative officials through a series of incentive measures, such as budget allocation, oversight hearings, legislative activities, public opinion propaganda and so on. Different from the above view, Appellant. Et. Al. (1976) pointed out that the government rarely seeks to maximize social welfare policy the government is seeking policies that made the political support minimization. These policies typically reflect interests of the most influential interest groups. In fact, economists and political scientists have paid great attention to influence of interest group on trade policy. The earliest literature can be traced back to Starchinesss Politics, Pressure and the Tariff. In this book, Scatterbrained studied the influence of interest group in American Smooth Hawley Act in 1929-1930, which opened up the study of interest groups role in the formation of trade policy. In the sass, C. P. Kindergà ¤rtner published Group Behavior and International Trade. He proposed, in some cases, international trade can be studies from national group action. He analyzed the status hanged of different interest groups in European countries. Obviously, Scatterbrained and Kindergà ¤rtners study on the interest group mainly referred from study methods of sociology and politics. After the theory of public choice in sass-sass, scholars have conducted in-depth analysis of influence of interest group on trade policy. In sass, especially after sass, many scholars have studied the formation process trade protection, and put forward different political economy model. Grossman and Hellman (1994) developed a formal framework to integrate the domestic politics into international trade relations. They assumed that the government is both concerned about the general interests of voters and special interests of political donations. They analyzed the game and strategic interaction between the domestic interest groups and government officials. They analyzed non- cooperation and cooperation tariff game model, and testified how domestic politics determined the government international goals. In addition, Gould and Woodbine (1998) investigated the dynamic process of trade protection, revenge and trade war. They found that the decision and implementation of foreign retaliation tariff and there trade policy are as same as domestic political process. Trade policy is not determined by exogenous target of government, but by internal competitive interest groups. They concluded that liberalizing, trade protection, and revenge are the interactive process between foreign political power and domestic political power. These analyses will undoubtedly increase understanding the political reasons for trade friction. Sino-US textile trade dispute problem is most typical case. Textile and apparel commodities are the largest exports in Sino-US bilateral trade, because textile has always been regarded as sensitive goods. Therefore problem of Sino-US textile trade between the two countries is very difficult to solve. Since textile trade problems in 1972, the two countries have signed several textile trade agreements. USA protectionists try strong efforts to prevent Chinese textiles into the USA through quota restrictions and other measures in bilateral agreements. After China entered WTFO, Sino-US textile trade entered into a relatively quiet period. But because of increasing textile exports to the United States, America Textile Manufacturers Association constantly accused Chinese manipulation of the RMI exchange rate, which weakening the American textile competition ability and pressed on the Bush government, eventually forced America Ministry of Commerce enabled China-U. S. WTFO Agreement. Once the Chinese textiles disrupted U. S. Market, the export growth rate of the related products would be restricted within 7. 5. In 2003, US government officially implement a one-year guarantee measure to from Chinese three categories of textile products knitted fabric, brassiere and gown, which caused strong protest from China Chamber of Commerce, who pointed out that it violates WTFO regulations. The United States contradict WTFO fundamental purpose and spirit, and cause a negative impact on Sino-US textile trade relations (Petri. Crook, 2007). Due to the transformation and upgrading of the ISIS economic structure, the textile industry and clothing industry declined. Contrarily, Chinas textile industry was quite competitive because of cheap labor force it seemed China will be the biggest benefited party during this trade. Since China Joined the WTFO, US textile industry always kept an eye on Chinas textile industry. They found Chinas production capacity of textile industry kept strengthening. At the same time, benefiting from the cancel of quota restrictions, the unit price of Chinas textile product decreased sharply and the market share of Chinas textile industry increased very fast. US textile industry also thought China took unfair action to compete, which meaning China offering privilege on tariff barrier, market access limitation, technology transfer regulations, confessional loan and other aspect to support the textile industry development. Early 2005, Chinas cheap products flow over into the US market and resulted in 19 factories bankrupting along with 26000 people losing Jobs. Then on April 4, 2005, the US Commerce Department announced to start the special protection procedure against Chinas third kind of textile (including cotton shirts, pants, underwear and other products) for the reason of threat of market disruption, which was the first time to restrict Chinas textile industry export by using special terms since MFC (Multi-Fiber Arrangement) was abolished. On May 18th, the United States Commission on Implementation of Textile Agreements made decision to take special restrictive measures to abandon Chinas textile export. This caused textile trade conflicts teen the US and China. Although Chinas textile export had bad effect on the ISIS textile industry development and employment, the ISIS action was partly haunted by trade protectionism. They provoked the trade conflicts for strategic reasons (Petri. Crook, 2007). The imbalanced industrial structure is deep-seated cause of frequent international trade friction. According to classical theory of international division of labor, the comparative advantage is the foundation of division of labor and cooperation between countries. In this case, all countries play their strengths and make up weakness through trade. The developed countries are at the top of the international division of labor, mainly engaged in production of high value-added products. While developing countries are at the bottom of the international division of labor, they are mainly engaged in the production of low value-added goods. However, due to inconsistencies in balance and economic benefit of economic development between countries, industrial division of labor is not entirely has perfectly competitiveness. On the contrary, driven by economic interests behind the trade, developed countries tend not to give up low-value-added traditional industries. When the developed countries are threatened in these traditional areas, they will take protective measures without hesitation, and then lead to trade friction. For example, America implements consistent protection for its steel industry for decades and caused relevant trade friction. On the other hand, the emerging industrial countries or developing countries want to catch up or stand on ones own need, implement import substitution strategy to enhance the government intervention in trade. In sass, the strategic trade policy is generally accepted by countries. Because the national policy intervention can change their interests in articulation in the international trade, it often leads to retaliatory measures from other countries. At last, the pursuit of profit redistribution causes international trade friction between countries. What are basic principles of American foreign policy Some scholars believed the interests of the State shall be the basis for America foreign policy some scholars considered domestic values as basis of diplomatic behavior. Other scholars believed that, America diplomatic ideas are composed from three opposing ideas, namely the world liberalism, xenophobia and multiculturalism. This pluralism is based on interest group politics. In other word, American foreign policy is results of conflict and negotiation between different types of interest groups, which include economic, political, ideological, cultural, religious and ethnic groups. However, one theory is often cited social and economic base theory of American foreign policy, which is commercial leading theory. Based on this theory, the wealthy capitalists dominated America society, while political competition is essentially the competition between commercial groups. The powerful economic groups manipulate public opinions and democratic and pluralist politics. Foreign policy bureaucracy mainly enrolls elite from legal, financial and commercial background. These people in the office are closely contacting with commercial circles. American interest group scholar David B. Truman pointed out that interest group is group of people holding the same attitude, who have request from other groups. When it passes the requirements to the government institutions, it becomes a political interest group. Interest group politics is an important feature of American politics. To a certain sense, American politics is the interest politics, in which different interest groups eek and protect their own interests by competing for the government policy. Ill. Causes of Sino-US trade Conflicts America steel workers website published an article August 4, 2008 entitled the poison facts unfair trade killer, which reported a 4-year-old American child died of lead poisoning from swallowing China imported shoes pendant. The article listed a large number of China products problems, environmental pollution, enterprises exploiting workers and illegal use of child labor problems. The article cited that lots of children toys are with poison, and Chinese pet food and seafood are contaminated with toxic drugs and poison. It accused China industrial pollution has made cancer as the Chinese number one killer, China pollution spread toward the international diffusion. ASS and NO with acid rain have fallen into Seoul, Tokyo and Los Angels. 3. 1 Economic Factors 3. 1. 1 Trade deficit There is trade imbalance in Sino-USA trade. With the deepening of globalization, China and America are the worlds largest trading nations, and the amount of bilateral trade continues to grow. Chinas surplus on US has continued to increase. USA economist Stilling raised the economic model to testify that, if the deficit is 1. 5 than GNP, there will be intense friction two countries. Than GNP, it will cause retaliatory measures. If 25 to 30 than GNP, then it is not only an economic problem, but also a political problem. In 2005, the Sino-US trade amounted to 211. 6 billion, Chinas surplus on America was 114. 2 billion, accounting for 53. 7 of the total amount of the Sino-US trade. The size of Sino-US trade imbalance has evolved into a political problem. It can be expected in future, trade friction between China and the United States will exist for a long time, and will continuously upgrade. 3. 1. 2 GAP growth The economic downturn causes the revival of new trade protectionism. In recent ears, American economic downturn and Chinese peaceful rise forms a strong contrast. According to preliminary statistics of USA Ministry of Commerce, American economy grew only 1. 3 at the first quarter of 2007, lower than 1. That analysts had expected, which was the lowest over the past four years, while the decline in housing investment is still the main reason of the economic slowdown. Historical experience shows that, trade protectionism has a certain relationship with economic development. So as long as American domestic industry suffer declining competitiveness and recession, trade protectionism will rise again, and Sino-US trade ruction is inevitable. Since sass, global economic growth is get slow, America also entered a recession. The industrial structure transited from traditional industrial economy to high-tech economy. The traditional industry in the economic lost the cost advantage, and high-tech economy cannot quickly open up the market. This will increase the trade deficit. As everyone knows, America trade policy has dual character, namely implementation of free principle in the export trade and protectionism in the import trade, in accordance with the requirements of the so- called fair trade. Economic inflation and unemployment situation will inevitably lead to the enhancement of American trade protection. And due to WTFO-entering effect. There is a rapid increase in exports in China. For Chinas cheap labor resources, Chinas price of labor-intensive products is lower than the price in the international market, which has a strong price advantage, causing a great impact on American labor-intensive industry. Employment in USA sunset industry is greatly reduced. USA politicians dont want this kind of contradiction intensified, and evolved into peoples dissatisfaction with the government.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Meet the Xenarthrans - Armadillos, Sloths, and Anteaters

Meet the Xenarthrans - Armadillos, Sloths, and Anteaters Armadillos, sloths, and anteaters, also known as xenarthrans (Greek for strange joints), can be distinguished from other mammals by (among other things) the unique joints in their backbones that endow them with the strength and support they need to pursue their climbing or burrowing lifestyles. These mammals are also characterized by their extremely few (or even no teeth), their relatively small brains, and (in males) their internal testicles. As youll know if youve ever seen a sloth in action, xenarthrans are also some of the slowest mammals on earth; they are technically warm-blooded, like other mammals, but their physiologies arent nearly as robust as those of dogs, cats or cows. Xenarthrans are an ancient group of placental mammals that once roamed across the expanse of Gondwana, before this giant continent of the southern hemisphere split up to form South America, Africa, India, Arabia, New Zealand, and Australia. The ancestors of modern armadillos, sloths and anteaters were initially isolated on the newborn continent of South America, but in the ensuing millions of years spread northward into areas of Central America and southern parts of North America. Although xenarthrans didnt make it into Africa, Asia, and Australia, these regions are home to unrelated mammals (like aardvarks and pangolins) that evolved the same general body plans, a classic example of convergent evolution. One little-known fact about xenarthrans is that they were prone to gigantism during the Cenozoic Era, at a time when many mammals achieved dinosaur-like sizes thanks to temperate climates and an abundance of food. Glyptodon, also known as the Giant Anteater, could weigh up to two tons, and its hollowed-out shells were sometimes used by the early human inhabitants of South America to shelter from the rain, while the giant sloths Megatherium and Megalonyx were about the size of the largest bears on earth today! There are about 50 species of xenarthrans extant today, ranging from the screaming hairy armadillo of South America to the pygmy three-toed sloth of the Panamanian coast. Classification of Xenarthrans Armadillos, sloths, and anteaters are classified within the following taxonomic hierarchy: Animals Chordates Vertebrates Tetrapods Amniotes Mammals Armadillos, sloths and anteaters In addition, armadillos, sloths, and anteaters are divided into the following taxonomic groups: Anteaters and sloths (Pilosa)Armadillos (Cingulata)

Thursday, November 21, 2019


GENETIC VARIATION IN B-TYPE NATRIURETIC PEPTIDE PATHWAY AFFECTS BNP LEVEL in the diagnosis of Heart failure - Research Proposal Example To help establish the outcomes, the study will be embedded on extracting DNA samples from 80 patients undergoing elective cardiac catheterization and analyzing with exclusion done on patients with elevated troponin. This will be driven by a detailed data collection including laboratory, standard demographic, catheterization and echocardiographic data. The Genotype will be evaluated at 19 loci on five BNP’s pathway relevant genes (Knowles, Erickson, Guy et al, 2003). To access the incremental influence of the genetic variants, the researcher will employ the Multivariate linear regression of logBNP model adjusted for clinical variables. The proposal will thus try to help properly incorporate the use of NPs to improve the levels of accuracy with respect to decisions made in an emergency setting to curb the missed incidence of diagnostic failures for HF. This will be measured by reduced cases of fatigue, dyspnea, and fluid retention that are all predisposing factors to HF based on cardiac dysfunction hence presenting difficulties in diagnosing HF. The missed incidence are hence strongly correlate to highly significant mortality increases, presenting the need for designing effective diagnostic tools with higher degrees of specification and sensitivity that if employed, can help weed out the increased cases of HF missed diagnose s and particularly, in the busy Heart failure is characterized by its typical but non-specific symptoms like fatigue, dyspnea and fluid retention caused by dysfunction of cardiac which present daunting challenges for diagnosis of HF culminating into increased missed incidence hence higher mortality rates. For this reason, the topic has captured the attention of various researchers to help design effective mechanism and approaches that can be used during diagnosis to detect this catastrophic cardiovascular disease quickly and accurately. For instance, to gauge the potentiality of NPs in augmenting the clinical judgment and/or standard